English Standard: Writing Arguments

Just like a detective, everyone who tries to solve a mystery or answer a question must have sufficient evidence to support his/her claim. Without your evidence, your claim is simply an opinion that holds no weight.

In this APEX murder investigation you will be expected to listen to the evidence (the podcast), review the case files (read, view the accompanying material on the Serial website) to determine what you think happened to Hae Min Lee. As you listen, you will be asked to take notes (this will often be within the activities that accompany each episode). After listening to the entire podcast (12 episodes) you will be presenting your ideas on what happened to the victim. You will have to construct an argument that demonstrates why you believe what you do. You will articulate your claim, support it with all the evidence you've collected and explain your reasoning to your audience. 

Through this work we will tackle the following questions: 

  • What makes a good argument? 
  • Where do we see arguments in our daily lives? 
  • What makes an argument effective? 
  • How do we gather, evaluate, and incorporate evidence to logically support our arguments?
  • How can we compose compelling evidence based arguments to persuade audience about issues that affect us and others?